How storage can help counter the price cannibalization issue
Pacific Green targets 12GWh battery energy storage capacity across four global markets
The top 5 energy storage markets to watch in 2024
Pacific Green to Develop one of Australia’s Largest Grid-Scale Battery Energy Parks
Pacific Green Concludes 2023 with Huge Growth in its Battery Energy Parks Business
After green hydrogen, Australia gears up for green ammonia
Evaluating DNV’s 2023 Energy Transition Outlook predictions
Pacific Green Enters Agreement to Secure Strategic Site to Develop 0.5GW / 1.0GWh Battery Energy Park in South Australia
Could offshore wind soon be coming to Australian shores?
What will energy storage look like a decade from now?
Pacific Green Enters Agreement to Secure Sites to Develop 1.0 GW / 2.5 GWh of Battery Energy Parks in Victoria, Australia
Australia needs a battery boom to electrify transport
How batteries could cut costly curtailment
Deadly heatwaves tell us we need a new energy system
Why shouldn’t Australia be a battery world leader?
Will it be clean hydrogen in Australia, or ammonia? The $2 billion question
Could mining be poised for an energy storage boom?
Australia prepares for a National Battery Strategy
Australia needs pumped hydro, but it’s not the only solutions to dispatchable power generation
10 cleantech trends to watch out for in 2023
Why CSP could be key for Australia’s hydrogen export plans
10 reasons why you would want battery storage in Australia
Putting figures to CSP’s potential in the Australian market
Energy parks are emerging in Australia. Here’s to many more
The duck curve and how energy storage can beat it
The role of energy storage in an electric vehicle world
Is now the right time for Australia to finally embrace CSP?
The attraction of owning an energy storage project